We Cure following disease without operation Nasal Polyps,Hearing loss, Hole in Ear Hyper Acidity Fits Epilepsy,TB tuberculosis, Pneumonia Heart Attack, Heart Blokcage, Leucoderma, Psoriasis High BP, Low BP, Rheumatologist, Piles, Slip disc, Spodiliysis, Diebeties, Appendix etc
In case Heart Blockage Patient we do not have any kind of surgery we used only medicine and cure with best result.
Cancer has been spreading fast and we used to visit hospital for treatment and there after surgery will held but treat Patient without surgery and cure.
We have treatement for HIV and medicine. We do cure patient with positive feedback.
We have 100% Diabetes Medicine and Treatment, We given best result for patient.
Slip Disc is very painful to backbone, in some cases patient can not be stand. So therefore we give best medicine with no operation.
We cure and given best result for Ear Nose and Throat problem with help of Homeopathy Medicine.